

华裔网友Tony Gao的回答

I don't think it's a problem.


I changed my nationality because I always travel around and other factors, but mainly for convenience. How do I view my current situation:


1. I am still a Chinese, which is my identity and my heritage. My passport or anything else doesn't define who I am.


2. I am not a Chinese citizen. I have no "political rights" in China, but I am still very interested in everything in China.


3. I defended China when necessary, mainly because people quoted incorrect sources and did not understand the history of (China and their own country).


4. Because I live in many places, I do not feel rooted in any country. Even though I left China when I was very young, as I grew older, I felt that I missed everything about China more.


马来西亚网友Joyce Bean的回答

I am a fifth generation Malaysian Chinese descendant. I can speak Chinese and read Chinese newspapers regularly.


I know Chinese people (!!!) from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Perth, Sydney, London, Dhaka, Bangkok and Arkansas, There are also friends from Singapore, Taipei and other cities.



I really feel that we have a bit of brotherhood. We speak Mandarin, Minnan or Cantonese together. Many of us think Stephen Chow is the king of comedy. Jacky Cheung should stick to singing instead of dancing. We are really pleased with the spread of Chinese culture. We prefer noodles and rice to pizza and hamburgers.


Due to the number of overseas Chinese in the world and the strength of Chinese media, Chinese culture continues to spread around the world. Most of the major cities I have visited have Chinese newspapers. This is different from the fact that most African Americans who have lived in Namibia for generations have cut off their ties with the African continent.


So, yes, I can be a Singaporean or an American, where I am assimilated in public and treated equally. But in terms of culture, I am a Chinese, and I also want to "return" to my motherland (祖國). I hope this will help you give answers to your questions.

所以,是的,我可以是新加坡人或美国人,在那里,我在公共场合被同化,被平等对待,但在文化方面,我是中国人,我也想“回到”祖國 (祖传土地)上转转。希望这有助于你对你的问题给出答案。

华裔网友Coby Ma的回答

I think your question points out the difference between nation-state based identity and culture based identity. The concept of "Chinese" is different from that of Americans.


The nation-state status means that if your British parents emigrate to Australia, you may identify yourself as an Australian rather than a British.


But "Chinese" refers to a broader concept of "Chinese" culture, not just Taiwan, Hong Kong or the mainland. In this sense, it is a bit like "Jews". One is based on culture, and the other is based on religion. Both have nothing to do with the country you choose to live in. Many of my friends still think they are Chinese. Although they can't speak/read/write Chinese, the last person in their family who lived in China is their great grandparents.


I usually think it's better not to judge people's identities easily. As far as the law is concerned, it's not that simple.


Citizenship laws can also be complex. For example, my wife is a naturalized American citizen, but she holds a passport for Taiwan. As a Taiwan resident with a Taiwan compatriot pass, the People's Republic of China considers her a Chinese citizen.


I am a Chinese born in the United States, but since my parents were not permanent residents of the United States at the time of my birth, I have Chinese nationality according to the 1982 law. Once I obtain Hong Kong permanent resident status, I should be eligible to obtain a Hong Kong passport. This also applies to my children born in the United States.


Hong Kong has special regulations. Basically, many Hong Kong residents to hold foreign passports. Even if you have been naturalized as a foreign citizen, China does not consider that you have given up your Chinese citizenship unless you explicitly state that you have given up your Chinese citizenship.


Another thing is that we are in a globalized world. I think it would be very strange for my grandchildren to have only one nationality. I think it would be better if my grandchildren had five or six nationalities.


华裔网友Sam Arora的回答

I am 34 years old this year. I have lived more in the United States (18 years) than in China (16 years).


As a veteran of the Army Iraq War and a boy who only knew "Hello", I finally became a federal investigator. I worked hard and played hard, paid sweat and blood for this country, and realized my American dream. Oh, yes, I am a very proud American.


On the other hand, I do maintain a strong connection with my tradition and culture. Being an American does not mean "acting like a white man". I have a bachelor's degree in Chinese literature. Master of Chinese Linguistics. Am I cheating? If a liar can get on the stage of the Harvard East Asia Research Conference, it will be too easy to cheat, because there are more than 4 million Chinese Americans in the United States.


While enjoying freedom and carrying 5000 years of history and culture, I can better see the advantages and disadvantages of China and the United States. This proper identity will only make me stronger and better. I am very happy to be not only a Chinese, or an American, but also a Chinese American.


By the way, when I served in the military, many people asked, "If there was a war between China and the United States, which side would you choose?" The answer is simple. Emotionally, I never want these two great countries involved in war. However, if the time is right, the flag on my uniform already shows the answer. Just like Japanese Americans in World War II. Japanese Americans formed the 442nd Force, which is the most decorative force in American military history.



As a Chinese born and raised in China, I think they have the right to decide who they are. This is my principle of free will. Let me explain a few points further.


1. Nationality and identity


Let's see how to define nationality.


Nationality is the legal relationship between a person and a country. Nationality gives the State jurisdiction over the person and gives the person State protection. These rights and obligations vary from state to state.


Therefore, anyone holding a passport of the People's Republic of China is legally Chinese. If they hold passports different from those of other countries, they are not Chinese. The Chinese government does not recognize dual nationality.


However, the word "Chinese" also refers to a national group.


It is impossible to describe or define a race with a single characteristic. Race is basically composed of language, religion, descent and customs. Members of the same nationality will maintain their national characteristics through language, festivals, food, etc. These national characteristics are inherited from their ancestors and help them form their own identity.


Therefore, a person born and raised in the Chinese community, no matter where he lives, is likely to consider himself a Chinese in the national sense. After this identity positioning, he will learn and share the cultural characteristics of his ancestors and pass them on to his children.


2. Nationality and culture


A man has been legal immigrants to the United States for ten years, but has never spoken English. In terms of nationality, he is a citizen of the United States of America, but not a real American. Why? Because this person does not belong to the American cultural area.


Culture is learned, not inherited. If an American parent adopts an orphan from China and raises the child in the United States, but does not teach the child any knowledge about China, the child will not consider himself Chinese when he grows up.


Cultural characteristics, such as the language we speak, the food we eat and the festivals we celebrate, are the basic components of culture. Some related cultural features will form a specific cultural complex. Different cultural complex will lead us to different cultural systems, cultural regions and cultural fields.


People don't just define themselves by where they live. A woman calls herself a New Yorker, not just because she lives in New York. She must have a certain way of life or other cultural characteristics like other New Yorkers. Otherwise, even if she can afford the best house in New York, she is not a New Yorker.


1. "Chinese" is a great concept. It is not limited to seven letters. Don't stigmatize it.


2. It is unwise to judge a person according to the place of birth or the place of parents' birth.


3. People can legally change their nationality without any blame or judgment. This has nothing to do with betrayal.


4. People define their identity not only according to where they live, but also according to what culture they belong to.


5. It is natural and universal for people to be proud of their own culture.



Like other people who released the answers, I felt the hostility between the lines in the question. The premise seems to be that if someone changes their citizenship, they should lose any right to identify with or comment on their former home country.


My question is, have you ever moved from one block to another? If you have, what if one day your old neighbor comes to you and accuses you of betraying your neighbor? How will you feel? Every time you want to say something about the old block, someone always asks, haven't you moved away? How can I talk about things here?


Stupid question, isn't it!? This is how they feel when they see this problem.


If this is not strange enough, think about if you just bought a new house in another block, but did not sell the old house. You do this because you have money to invest, or you want your son to go to a better school, or live closer to work, or for any personal reason. You didn't even move out your old furniture. You left some plants there. Your family photo is still on the same wall. All your childhood memories are in the old house. You even go back to your old place to water your plants every once in a while, or say hello to your old neighbor.


The only person who has a problem with you is your morally superior neighbor. He thinks you have changed your address, so you have no right to return to your original residence.


Go back to your house- Your neighbor yells at you as if you were the enemy.


"But this is my home!" You might say so, right? Now, do you understand what I mean? People will move, and we all have feelings for our hometown.


Don't be that stupid nonsense hostile neighbor.
