
As a member of the Pakistani government delegation, I went to Italy and attended a meeting organized by the global energy industry association. Energy experts delivered speeches on various energy related topics. Nuclear supporters have had a heated debate with the anti nuclear lobby. We have also carried out some activities and put forward some amateur suggestions to solve the energy problems of developing and developed countries.
Most of the time was spent on exhibitions where various energy giants set up booths to provide company products and services to potential customers.
We are really not very interested in these exhibitions. The employees of the exhibition company know that Pakistan is a small customer with "a piece of cake". After all, as early as 2007, we didn't have much purchasing power or budget on energy related issues. Therefore, we Pakistanis were largely ignored by corporate executives in the United States and Europe. They are more interested in big fish such as Saudi Arabia, India, China and Brazil. We are basically just hanging around.

During a walk, we passed the Chinese delegation. An Italian beauty from shell was explaining a product to the head of the Chinese delegation. We stood aside and listened politely.
At this time, the head of the Chinese delegation noticed us, smiled and shook hands with us amicably, and asked if we were waiting for them to finish.
"Oh, no, no, please continue.", We replied. "I just want to say hello. We're from Pakistan."
The Chinese gentleman's face lit up at once. "Pakistan!" He shook my hand warmly. "Our brother!" He shouted.
When people are confused about why China is so popular with many developing countries, they often miss these small details and moments, these isolated small country events.
During the meeting, I interacted with other delegations from Africa, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and other countries. They all had the same respect and positive impression on the Chinese delegation. Whether they are representatives from Africa or Asia, regardless of the size and importance of their country, they are enthusiastic and respected by the Chinese people, just as their country is the same as China in size, importance and strength.
Some analysts and commentators hope to see some empirical data and some hard data to quantify this aspect, so as to scientifically explain why developing countries think highly of China. They focus on investment and trade, the growing number of foreign workers and students in China, and analyze the spread of Chinese media.
However, I would like to say that many people in developing countries, whether government employees or ordinary people everywhere, like countries like China, because the Chinese still think they are one of us, not the overlord of the Empire, the superior of the race or the strict master. He sees us as comrades in the developing world and partners in the struggle. They pay attention to our difficulties, share concerns and look forward to a mutually beneficial future.
I'm not a Chinese expert, so I can't explain where it came from. Maybe it's still the old communist ideology at work?
The Soviet Union and the Communist Party of China forged partnerships with many developing countries as early as the cold war, when we were trying to overthrow colonial and imperialist powers (as well as their local feudal, tribal and sovereign agents). Today, I met several older leftists who told me that when Pakistan was an extremely poor country, they went to the Soviet Union and China for training, education and so on, which had a great impact on their lives.

Revolutionaries and leftists from Pakistan, other Asian countries, Africa, Latin America and other countries will wear cheap, patched suits and worn-out shoes to the Soviet Union and China. They have no money, but they are warmly welcomed by comrades in Beijing and Moscow and receive first-class treatment.
Third world countries that succeeded in overthrowing tyrants in a coup will send delegations to China and the Soviet Union. When they return, they will praise the hospitality and comradeship of the Chinese and Soviet brothers. In contrast, the "western free world" will only choose to associate with our feudal lords, our shahs, our kings and our dictators, and will never set foot in the streets where ordinary people live and pay attention to the lives of ordinary people.
In my experience of working side by side with my Chinese colleagues, they showed me deep partnership and comradeship. The Chinese people who come to work with us work side by side with us, fighting under the same high temperature, the same mud, the same mosquitoes, cold temperature, rain and other conditions. We share the same busy schedule and troubles. We also eat at the same table, play football together in the evening, and exchange ABC movies and TV programs with each other.

When I told all this to my friend who works for a multinational company in the Gulf region, he looked incredible. He had never had such an experience in dealing with Arabs and Western expatriates in the Gulf. Even the Korean students and workers I know have never had such an experience.
The same is true outside the workplace. Western expatriates in Pakistan tend to live in huge, heavily guarded, walled courtyards with huge generators. They are so far away from ordinary people that they seem to live on another planet.
Chinese people live, walk, breathe, eat and work in our streets, our cities and our homes. They face the same problems as us, whether it is power load shedding, low gas supply or slow internet speed. When we see them share the reality of our lives, we will have this sense of interconnection and respect.
They could have chosen to live in their own deep walled compound. In fact, for security reasons, the Pakistani government is trying to ask Chinese nationals in Pakistan to live in apartments away from ordinary Pakistani citizens, but the Chinese refused. They chose to live with us, although they may face danger. For us, they are different from arrogant Westerners.
The visit to China a long time ago was equally beautiful for me. Senior government, military and diplomatic officials contact us, discuss with us, seek our views and put forward their own views. They will even share stories in their personal lives. When we tell our stories, they will listen attentively. Whether ordinary citizens or senior officials, they treat us equally and reciprocate.
But as a Pakistani, in developed countries, China is only associated with poverty, violence, terror and instability abroad. When we say we are from Pakistan, no one will show kindness or care. After so many years of experience, we have been used to it.
Therefore, when I was at that exhibition, the representative of China warmly held my hand and announced that my country was a brother before the whole exhibition, which surprised the onlookers. When the citizens of a country touted as the world's next superpower respected the citizens of a country belittled as a failed country in Western publications, it had a far-reaching impact on our lives.
I know there are thousands of people like me. In 10, 20 or 30 years, we will become senior officials, politicians or executives in our country. When we see a Chinese official asking us for help and a Chinese company bidding for a project, maybe some of us will recall that the Chinese people have given us so much respect on such and such an occasion. We will therefore support the Chinese people.

Don't you believe me? Look at Shahbaz Sharif, the Chief Department of Punjab province. When he heard that the Chinese called the rapidly implemented Pakistan project "running at the speed of Punjab", he awarded several projects to Chinese companies without bidding or very preferential conditions.
不相信我吗?看看旁遮普省首席部长沙赫巴兹·谢里夫(Shahbaz Sharif),当他听到中国人将快速实施的巴基斯坦项目称为“以旁遮普的速度运行”时,他在没有招标或非常优惠的条件下将几个项目授予了中国公司。
I have seen that representatives from Africa, the Middle East and Asia have also been deeply impressed by the humility, respect and partnership of the Chinese people in their interaction with them. Therefore, I have no doubt that the same positive image of China will also be generated in the minds of these representatives. When they are promoted to senior positions, they will maintain the same positive image of China and have a good impression of her.
All these influences and positive images are built free of charge around the world. There is no need for 12 aircraft carriers or so many military bases. One smile and one handshake are enough.

I have been living in China since 2012. Here are the reasons why I like it so much:
1. Safe. I have lived in several other countries and have visited 16 countries as a tourist so far. In contrast, from a security perspective, China ranks first. Here, especially in big cities such as Shanghai, you don't have to worry about safety at all. Whether it's midnight, or even 2 to 4 a.m., if you want to go out, it's safe to go out and walk. Don't worry.

2. People are very friendly. I haven't experienced any racial discrimination against foreigners here. In China, most foreigners mistakenly believe that they are treated differently as "racism". In fact, it is a misunderstanding - 99% of the reasons are cultural differences and communication barriers, and 1% are due to the fault of foreigners - most people come here with a "foreign" attitude, demanding things at the beginning, ignoring local culture, Chinese people and so on. For those foreigners, such a life must be difficult.
3. Technology. Similarly, I have been to many countries. China is undoubtedly one of the most technologically developed countries. I am dazzled by all kinds of civil science and technology.
4. Interpersonal relationships. If you haven't lived in China, it will be difficult to understand it. Once you find its meaning and purpose, you will know its benefits. The relationship is stronger than ordinary friendship. When solving problems, because the relationship is often more convenient. In business, for me, relationships have always been a positive experience - something you can't see in the rest of the world.
5. Nature and tourism. It goes without saying that China is vast and full of tourist attractions, which is one of the reasons why I have always lived here. Traveling around China will bring you the most wonderful experience you can imagine.
6. The police enforce the law. I have lived in the UK for many years. Although the British police are famous for their professionalism, they are not as friendly and welcoming to foreigners as the Chinese police. I can say the same to the police forces seen in many other countries. The Chinese police are very friendly, helpful and enthusiastic. Of course, if you break the law and are rude, this is a problem in every country.
7. Government officials. Like the police, officials from tax, immigration and other government departments are also very friendly and enthusiastic. They won't blame you for no reason. If you ask them questions, they won't doubt and pay too much attention to you / your business. No offense, but this often happens in the United States and the UK, especially when you extend your visa.
8. Cost of living. China is not the country with the lowest consumption cost, but it is quite good relative to your income here. You can buy products designed and produced for export online. The price is very cheap. I'm not talking about fakes. As we all know, most well-known brand products are made in China, and these products can be purchased online from the same manufacturer produced by these brands.
9. Business opportunities. China has so many business opportunities that no other country in the world has, especially from the perspective of production and market scale. If you know how to sell to Chinese customers, the market is huge. If you want to create your own brand, China is also the first choice - you can easily find a factory to complete your creative production.

10. Language and Chinese characters (Chinese characters). I like Chinese and Chinese characters. They are unique, meaningful and beautiful. In addition, from a business point of view, if you can speak Chinese, you can enter the world's largest market and give full play to your talents and potential.