




Personal Background: I was born and grew up in a second-tier city in China. Come to the United States for the Model United Nations Conference in the winter of 2013. I was 16, and it was my first time abroad.


Impact on me:


• The smell of coffee and cheese is everywhere. The airport, the hotel where I stayed, the hotel where the conference was held all smelled of the distinctive sweet and bitter coffee. It was a bit strange for me at first, but then I started to like it. (Most Chinese, including me, don't drink much coffee and cheese.) The donuts are so good.


• Infrastructure, including airports, subways, roads, traffic lights, etc., is poorly maintained and dilapidated. I remember seeing one of the subways built in the late 1800s. That would explain it. (According to Wikipedia, Boston's first subway was built in 1897 and Beijing's in 1969.)


• There are so many mentally ill and homeless people on the streets that it really scares me. Every day I see one or two homeless people talking to themselves or swearing randomly.


• The ladies of Wall Street are no joke. I saw a lady in a dress and suit on a snowy winter day, and I was wearing a Canada goose. She looks thin, but she looks strong to me.


• Police patrol the streets on horseback.


• Pedestrian traffic lights are not green, but white. It's confusing to me.


• Lots of squirrels and birds. They're not afraid of people.


• Seagulls fly around the city. This may not come as a shock at all to people who live near the sea, but it was a shock to me. I live in the middle of China.


• The streets of New York are actually quite narrow, especially Wall Street.


• Urban cemeteries. It was a huge culture shock for me because Chinese people are a bit afraid to walk through a cemetery, let alone live next to one.


• This trip to New York and the East Coast almost made me not want to live there. So I went to college in California. I'm sorry if that offended anyone who liked it there. It's just a personal preference.


Difference does not mean that one place or culture is better or worse than another, but different is different.



You don't really want to know!


Here's what I've heard from clients:


1. Wow, I thought New York was a very prosperous city, but it turned out to be a nothing city.

1. 哇,我以为纽约是一个非常繁荣的城市,结果却变成了一个一无是处的城市。

2. I thought New York would improve a lot, but I am shocked that it is so far behind, let alone compared to our big cities Shanghai and Beijing.

2. 我以为纽约会进步很多,但我很震惊它竟然如此落后,更不用说和我们的大城市上海和北京相比了。

3. Most stores in New York are supposed to be posh, but I haven't seen one that can be called posh.

3. 纽约的大多数商店都应该很豪华,但我还没有看到一家能称得上豪华的。

4. The designer stores are dead and most of the customers are Chinese. Wonder where the New York shoppers are?

4. 名牌商店死气沉沉,大多数顾客都是中国人,想知道纽约的购物者在哪里?

These are just a few.


Open your eyes, travel to China, and tell me what shocked you when you first visited Shanghai or Beijing. Sitting at the bottom of a well will only show you so much.


海外网友Demand Leung的回答

First I landed at Kennedy Airport, looked outside, and just wanted to hop on a plane and go back. Where the hell am I? That's not even the half of it. I was put on a small windowless bus in front of the famous Central Station. I don't know where I can stand. It was unbelievably dirty. I looked up and down the street and what the hell was all I could see.


And then the streets are too narrow. But it's still okay for tourists.


The stink at the bus stop was the first shock. This is incredible in China's big cities. But then I found the same thing in Washington, DC, near the White House. I made an excuse for those cities that the people were probably not highly educated and mostly homeless. Until I smelled the same thing at a bus stop in front of Harvard.....


3. Times Square is small and shabby. I wonder why it is so famous. Compared to Orlando and Miami, New York is not my cup of tea.


Americans really need to spend some money on infrastructure. Residents deserve a better living environment. It's not for tourists, it's not for the Wall Street elite, it's for local residents.


So many myths about New York, and now I realize they're all lies.



I was born and raised in New York and moved to Los Angeles more than 50 years ago. As much as I miss New York's ubiquitous classical music, ethnic restaurants and grocery stores, I'm happier and less stressed in the pleasant climate and easy-going atmosphere of life in the coastal suburbs of Los Angeles, plus the excellent modern public transportation in Los Angeles and the health care at UCLA for 86 years now.


You are right, especially about New York's antiquated subway, poor facilities for the disabled, and elevators that often don't or don't work. Los Angeles, by contrast, is a fully disabled accessible city, with modern bus rapid transit stations and ubiquitous disabled transportation services. However, our homelessness problem is so bad that local and state governments seem unwilling or unable to address it because civil rights limit who should be institutionalized. This is unique to our West Coast cities and New York. I don't know if this is political incompetence or "poverty problem."


Years later I visited friends who lived on Long Island and visited New York.


When I first arrived at his apartment, I saw some rats around the trash can near his apartment.


It shocked me, but it was on Long Island. Until I saw rats in midtown Manhattan.


When we took the subway to the city center, the train was almost half an hour late without warning. I'm used to the subway always being on time, so this is unusual for me.


I wasn't at all surprised by the density of people in New York, but I was shocked by how good the Met was. If I had the chance to go to New York again, that would definitely be the place to go again.


More than once in Times Square, I came across an advertisement for Xinhua, China's official news agency. It's really shocking, and just as shocking is how bad the AD is. It showed only the red logo, which looked more like the logo of a missile unit than that of a news corporation.


海外网友Tongue Lee的回答

There's a lot of gun violence. When I first came to New York, I saw a man standing on the street with a handgun, obviously expecting something. My colleague told me that someone had been robbed on the next street the day before, and that there had been a shooting about ten blocks away a month earlier. I heard a Columbia professor was killed by a stray bullet. Thanks to Mayor Giuliani, New York is much safer.


The wealth gap between the haves and have-nots is so wide and how people are segregated according to race and social class. It has never been a melting pot, but a Swiss cheese of people who don't trust each other. The public infrastructure is very old and in many ways disorganized. We are in a constant state of violence because we can get beaten up on the subway because we are Asians of all races, especially Russians and blacks. And:


1. Except for Central Park, there's no green in Manhattan. I was speechless.

1. 除了中央公园,曼哈顿没有一点绿色。我对此无言以对,城建太差。

2. Much of Washington Heights is only spoken in Spanish.

2. 华盛顿高地的很多地方只说西班牙语。

3. Other things, like the smell of urine and dirty city subways with rats running around are not new to me, I've heard a lot about them.

3. 其他的事情,比如小便味和老鼠跑的肮脏的城市地铁对我来说并不新鲜,我已经听过很多了。

4. Other than that, New York is not very different from any other major American city.

4. 除此之外,纽约和美国其他大城市没有太大的不同。

I'm from New York, so I can't be sure. However, I think they would be impressed (and perhaps shocked) by the human rights that exist in New York. Same-sex couples walk down the street holding hands or kissing, people protest freely in the streets, and many parades celebrate New York City's diverse cultures. Gay Pride parade, Puerto Rican Day parade, Israel Day parade, St. Patrick's Day Parade, etc. I think they will be impressed by the diversity of Chinese people, culture and food. Perhaps shock is not the right word, but I think the diversity of people and cultures and the freedoms we take for granted will certainly come to the fore.
