


Compared to Japan, Ryukyu culture and religion have a closer relationship with Fujian Province in China. If Ryukyu must be a part of any country, then it must be a part of China and not Japan.


In 1945, after World War II, Ryukyu was returned to China, and the Kuomintang was unable to rule. In 1951, the United States and Japan signed a treaty without the presence of China and handed over management to Japan.


According to international law and historical treaty documents, the sovereignty of Ryukyu still belongs to China, while the management power is temporarily managed by Japan and the United States.


The Ryukyu people worship Mazu like the Fujian people. Ryukyu is definitely not a part of Japan in terms of culture, religion, and language. Of course, after so many years of Japanese colonization, their own language may have disappeared.


Ryukyu was a vassal state of the Ming Empire (1368-1644) and the Qing Empire (1644-1879). But in the late 1870s, the Ryukyu Kingdom was invaded by the Japanese Empire and the royal family was murdered. The invasion and colonization lasted for about 60 years, and in 1945, the Allied forces occupied the area. But from the beginning of the Cold War, Japan became an important partner and resource supplier for the United States in East Asia. As a result, the United States allowed Japan to claim management of Ryukyu and ultimately transferred it to the Japanese government in 1972 (just before the thaw of US China relations).


I think in China, the views on the status of Ryukyu are complex. Ryukyu must have belonged to China's tribute system, just like Vietnam and North Korea. But with the invasion of the West in the 19th century, this system collapsed, and the concept of a modern nation state also emerged. Most Chinese people would think that it is closer to China in terms of culture.


However, a century of colonization may change many things. Nowadays, the Ryukyu people are definitely influenced by Japan in terms of culture, as they possess Japanese nationality and passports. They must learn Japanese to survive in modern Japanese society. But if you ask the Chinese if they support the independence of the Ryukyu people, many Chinese people may answer in the affirmative. However, when it comes to whether China will take action, I think it will not be at the moment because it does not comply with China's foreign policy and consistent philosophy. However, China will speak up for the Ryukyu people internationally.


中国网友Alien Iman的回答

China has never controlled Ryukyu in its history.


The Ryukyu Islands, like Korea, are considered a tributary country. It is an independent kingdom, with its administrative system completely managed by local people. It has been 500 years since China became the suzerain of Ryukyu during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and each Ryukyu king was awarded a title by the Central Empire. Therefore, the relationship between China and Ryukyu is very close.


The influence of Chinese culture and economy is very obvious. Ryukyu was located in the middle of East Asian trade, but China closed its customs gates after the Ming Dynasty. The current tribute system became an important way of foreign trade during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and both North Korea and Ryukyu were included in this system.


At that time, the tribute system was: the tribute country sent ambassadors with some gifts to officially visit the Chinese emperor, and then the emperor returned the gift. The gifts usually returned are of great value, and then these tribute countries sell these gifts to Europe.


After 1840, China's national strength became increasingly weak, and the Qing Dynasty was unable to provide strong protection to its tributary states. In 1875, the Japanese government forced Ryukyu to stop paying tribute to China and sent troops to occupy Ryukyu.


In 1879, Japan took full control of Ryukyu and renamed it Okinawa. The last king, Shangtai, was kidnapped to Tokyo and poisoned to death.


Therefore, Ryukyu was an independent country in history and was not a part of China. Moreover, after decades of rule by the United States and Japan, Ryukyu has had very few indigenous people, only over 100000, and the remaining 1.1 million are all Japanese devils. It is unclear how strong the public opinion for Ryukyu's independence is. Besides, most of the United States Forces Japan stationed in Japan are stationed in Okinawa, so it is not easy for Ryukyu to establish its own family? It is even more difficult for China to intervene.


中国台湾网友Paul Denlinger的回答

In short: No. China is not interested in doing so.


Ryukyu is an independent country that was brutally annexed by Japan in the late 19th century, destroying its social structure, culture, history, language, and murdering its people. Japan used Ryukyu as a human shield to resist Allied invasion during World War II (watching the HBO TV series "Pacific" produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks). In 1945, Japan surrendered unconditional surrender and gave up all claims to Ryukyu, but in the 1970s, it wretched back its governance.


Today, the Ryukyu people are still second-class citizens of Japan, responsible for most of the land supply for US military bases and in many cases openly subjected to racial contempt by Japanese politicians. You won't hear about the Okinawa independence movement from the outside world because it has been severely suppressed within Japan, and information about it has been completely blocked in the West.


I'm from Taiwan, China, China. For a long time, we have sent ambassadorial diplomats to Ryukyu and actually referred to it as Ryukyu, rather than Okinawa, to protest Japan's illegal occupation of it.


The plight of Okinawans, who are considered second-class people, is becoming increasingly severe, with large-scale demonstrations currently taking place, including the strongest calls for Ryukyu independence.


• Ryukyu accounts for less than 1% of Japan's land area, but has 74.4% of the United States Forces Japan.


The soil in Ryukyu is soaked in a toxic, non degradable chemical used as a fire extinguishing agent for military bases, which can freely use a large amount of this material for firefighting and possible fire drills.


Rape cases targeting Ryukyu women by US military personnel are extremely rampant, and sometimes even gang rape of teenagers.


The continuous air force training exercises have resulted in multiple casualties. In a recent case, a plane crashed into a university campus.


For a long time, we have been sending ambassadorial representatives to Ryukyu to protest Japan's illegal sovereignty claims over the island. Until the mid-1900s, before the Democratic Progressive Party came to power, we called it Ryukyu to commemorate the achievements of World War II.


If you are talking to ordinary people in Taiwan today, most people still naturally use the word Ryukyu instead of Okinawa. I think the mainland should also abolish its name Okinawa and use Ryukyu.

• 如果你今天在台湾与普通人交谈,大多数人仍然很自然地使用琉球这个词,而不是冲绳,我认为大陆也应该废除其冲绳的名称,启用琉球。

In the newly released Japanese defense budget bill, Japan plans to purchase 100 cruise missiles, deploy them in Okinawa, and other highly sensitive military facilities that will attract first strikes in future wars. These weapons will not be deployed on Japan's main islands. Japan has already saturated its military base in Okinawa, which is the only place in Japan that has both American and Japanese bases, and is much more concentrated than all other places. Therefore, just like in World War II, second-class citizens of Okinawa will serve as human shields for the Japanese.


The Cairo Conference in history, including details about the intention of the United States/Roosevelt to return Ryukyu to China after World War II, is recorded. Years later, the true truth finally surfaced.


It is worth noting that, especially for those who harbor the illusion of Chinese aggression, China never considered annexing Ryukyu during its hundreds of years as a small country close to China.


• In addition, I have always been puzzled that Japan's insistence on occupying Ryukyu (Okinawa) violated its commitment to unconditional surrender in 1945. Japan suffered significant losses and two atomic bombs during World War II, and ultimately surrendered in 1945. If Japan violates this now, does it mean that Japan wants a repeat of World War II?



Do China want Okinawa? As early as the 1870s and 1940s, China had hoped to claim sovereignty over Okinawa, but both failed because their voices were weak. However, today it seems that supporting Okinawa independence has become an unofficial agenda of the Chinese government, and many mainlanders also support this agenda


What is the reason why China hopes for Okinawa's independence? I can think of two reasons, national security and marine resource interests. If Okinawa becomes an independent country, the military bases of the United States on the island will be relocated to other places (Guam or mainland Japan) because the Okinawans we know do not want them to appear on the island.


In the East China Sea, in addition to the Diaoyu Islands dispute, China and Japan also have an exclusive economic zone dispute. Japan hopes that the central line between the Ryukyu Islands and the east coast of China will serve as the boundary line for the exclusive economic zone between the two countries, effectively dividing the surrounding East China Sea in two. China hopes that the Okinawa Trough (very close to the Ryukyu Islands) will serve as the boundary line between China and Japan's exclusive economic zone. In fact, under China's special rights, the East China Sea is there. There is a large amount of natural gas in that sea area. If Okinawa becomes an independent country, urging Okinawa to accept China's border proposal would be a very easy task for China.


Chinese people do understand that the Ryukyu Kingdom is not a part of China, it is a tributary state of China. In 1609, Japan concealed its invasion of China to prevent another conflict between the two countries after the Korean Peninsula conflict 11 years ago. In 1592 and 1597, Japan invaded the Kingdom of Korea (another tributary state of China), and the Ming Dynasty assisted the Koreans in repelling the Japanese from its territory.


Japan did not terminate the tribute sent by Ryukyu to China, as both the Tokugawa shogunate and sumo territories hoped that the Ryukyu Kingdom would serve as a trade intermediary between Japan and China. Before the First Opium War, as a tributary state of China, it was the only way to trade with China, and China's diplomatic relations with any foreign country were established as tributary relations. After Japan's failed invasion of Korea, China severed diplomatic relations with Japan to punish them for their actions. Therefore, the Japanese were unable to directly trade with China and needed the Ryukyu people as intermediaries.


Japan did not terminate the tribute sent by Ryukyu to China, as both the Tokugawa shogunate and sumo territories hoped that the Ryukyu Kingdom would serve as a trade intermediary between Japan and China. Before the First Opium War, as a tributary state of China, it was the only way to trade with China, and China's diplomatic relations with any foreign country were established as tributary relations. After Japan's failed invasion of Korea, China severed diplomatic relations with Japan to punish them for their actions. Therefore, the Japanese were unable to directly trade with China and needed the Ryukyu people as intermediaries.


During the Four Kingdoms/Isolation period, Japan only traded with South Korea through the Falklands, China through Ryukyu, and the Netherlands through the Tokushima Islands in Nagasaki. Nagasaki invaded and took control of the Samo territory of the Kingdom for 262 years with the permission of the Tokugawa shogunate, benefiting greatly from the tribute relationship between Ryukyu and China.


In 1871 (three years after the Meiji Restoration), this territory, like other Japanese territories, was abolished, making the relationship between Ryukyu and Japan uncertain. At that time, considering the weakness of the Qing Dynasty, there was no reason to maintain the tributary relationship and nominal independence between Ryukyu and China. Therefore, the Emperor of Japan decided to officially incorporate Ryukyu into his empire.


Although part of the same country, in the past, the Japanese government was unable to accept Japan as a multicultural country, suppressing the language and culture of Okinawa and encouraging its people to assimilate. In China, we have 55 different ethnic minorities, and there is no policy to integrate them all into the Han ethnic group. In the Asia Pacific theater, Okinawa is used as a shield to defend its own islands from US invasion. This has brought tremendous pain to the people of Okinawa.


Although the Japanese government may not recognize Okinawa's independence, they can rest assured that China does not want to annex the Ryukyu Islands. An independent island of Okinawa will preserve the unique culture and customs of Ryukyu and permanently erase all the achievements of the Japanese Empire in its attempt to rule Asia.
