路透社基辅9月30日电:乌克兰军方发言人周五告诉Suspillne公共广播公司,“乌克兰军队正在东部据点利曼地区包围俄罗斯军队,并将所有进入该地区的后勤路线置于火力控制之下”(Ukrainian forces are encircling Russian troops in the area of the eastern stronghold of Lyman, and have all the logistics routes into the area under fire control)。

报道说,这些说法如果得到证实,则表明就在弗拉基米尔·普京总统准备宣布该地区为俄罗斯的一部之际,俄罗斯在顿巴斯地区的军事行动,正面临新的挫折(if confirmed, suggest Russia is on the cusp of a new setback in its military campaign in the Donbas region as President Vladimir Putin prepares to declare the region part of Russia)。

报道说,乌克兰东部部队发言人Serhii Cherevatyi表示:“事实上,敌人运送弹药和人力的所有通道和后勤路线都处于(乌克兰)火力控制之下”("All the approaches and logistic routes of the enemy, through which they delivered ammunition and manpower, are in fact under fire control (of Ukraine)”。


报道的原标题是《Ukrainian forces encircling Russian units around Lyman stronghold - spokesperson》(发言人:乌克兰部队包围利曼要塞周围的俄罗斯部队)。