前几天Bob Lee旧金山街头遇害案,有了重大进展!多家媒体报道,嫌疑人已经被捕!

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4月4日凌晨,Square前首席技术官、兼Cash App创始人Bob Lee在旧金山遇刺身亡。

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昨天警方宣布在东湾Emeryville,逮捕了一名男性嫌疑人,名字为Nima Momeni。

Nima Momeni正是在自己的家中被捕的。

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从Linkedin的资料来看,Nima Momeni是 IT consultant。今年38岁,是加州伯克利大学的毕业生。

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根据警方的调查,Bob Lee很可能坐在Nima Momeni的车上,一起到达了受害人出事的大街上。

接着两人下车步行,似乎在出现争执后,Nima Momeni掏出一把刀捅伤了Bob Lee。

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警方还在Bob Lee遇害地点不远处,找到了作案凶器。

根据媒体的报道,Nima Momeni的邻居认为导火索可能是因为一位女性。

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The neighbor said he did not know Lee, and speculated that Momeni may have encountered him at a party. He added that he was not altogether surprised that Momeni has been accused of a grisly crime, since he’s a “tough guy, training all the time, super into weapons.” Momeni had a few guns and knives lying around at his bachelor-pad apartment, the neighbor claimed.
