Chinese photographers featured prominently and won prizes in three categories and one of the individual awards, with the most notable success being the young photographer award, jointly won by Yang Hanwen and Zhou Zezhen, both aged 14, for their image Andromeda Galaxy: The Neighbor.
The official awards news release described their picture as "a spellbinding photograph of one of the Milky Way's closest and largest neighbors" that revealed the vibrant colors of a nearby galaxy, stars piercing through the darkness and emphasized the awe and wonder of the breathtaking sight.
匈牙利天文摄影师协会主席、2019 年比赛总冠军、本届大赛评委之一拉斯洛‧弗兰契奇
(Laszlo Francsics)
"It is a superb capture by young astrophotographers, who also demonstrate their exceptional talent in processing a deep-sky photo."
Hanwen, one of the two Chinese teenagers to win the young photographer award, says, "I think this photo shows how gorgeous our nearest neighbor is."
"One of the main functions of astrophotography is to attract more people to fall in love with astronomy by showing the beauty of the universe," says Zezhen, the other teenager who won the award.
(The Eye of God)
Another Chinese winner at the competition was Liang Weitang, in the stars and nebulae category, with the picture The Eye of God, an ethereal image of the Helix nebula, which looks like a large eye gazing down on the Earth.
上帝之眼(NGC 7293),又被称为螺旋星云,是离地球最近的行星状星云之一。这是一颗类似太阳的恒星在它生命的尽头绽放出来的最后美丽。
中国摄影师胡子卉凭借《刺入星网》(Stabbing Into the Stars)夺得了星野组(skyscapes category)冠军。讲到自己的创作灵感,她说,“南迦巴瓦是中国最美丽的雪山之一,这座山的名字在藏语中意为‘刺向天空的长矛’。藏东南的隐秘之地也是最纯净的星空的家园,即使在中秋节满月的日子里,这些星星也在湛蓝夜空中闪耀着,随着时间编织着一张宽阔的网。雄伟的雪山,如长矛一样,刺入这张星网中。”
中国摄影师邓轮的作品《大雪山上的银河拱桥》(The Milky Way Bridge Across Big Snowy Mountains)则获得了此次大赛的最佳新人奖。
大赛评委伊马德‧艾哈迈德(Emad Ahmed)点评道,“冰冷崎岖的山顶与银河形成鲜明对比,浅粉与靛蓝的色调则提供了令人着迷的温暖色调。还得赞扬摄影师的敬业精神——在严寒中站在冰天雪地里拍摄这张照片。”本届大赛的最高奖项归属于奥地利摄影师杰拉德‧雷曼(Gerald Rhemann)。他凭借《断裂事件》(Disconnection Event)在众多参赛者之中脱颖而出,一举夺得行星、彗星和小行星组冠军、第14届天文摄影师大赛总冠军,并荣膺2022年度天文摄影师称号。
The overall top prize, chosen unanimously by the judges, went to Gerald Rhemann from Austria, who also won in the planets, comets and asteroids category, with his image Disconnection Event, which depicts a piece of Comet Leonard's gas tail being disconnected and carried away by solar winds.
雷曼的照片赢得了赛事评委的特别赞誉。“C/2021 A1 伦纳德彗星是一颗长周期彗星,由天文学家格雷格‧伦纳德(Greg Leonard)在2021年1月首次发现,圣诞节那天由奥地利摄影师在纳米比亚拍摄。”根据该奖项的公告,该彗星将不再从地球上可见。
Rhemann's photograph won special praise from the judges. "Comet Leonard, a long-period comet, first identified in January 2021, was captured by the Austrian photographer in Namibia on Christmas Day," according to the award announcement that added the comet will not be visible from the Earth again.
摄影师菲利普‧赫里本达(Filip Hrebenda)凭借在冰岛华尔角拍摄的《绿衣女郎的怀抱》(In the Embrace of a Green Lady),夺得了极光组的头名。图源:腾讯网
摄影师彼得‧费尔托蒂(Péter Feltóti)在匈牙利拍摄的《心脏星云之心》(The Centre of the Heart Nebula)获得了恒星与星云组的季军。图源:腾讯网
摄影师里奥内尔‧马吉克(Lionel Majzik)的这幅《宇宙玫瑰》(Cosmic Rose),获得了行星、彗星和小行星组的第三名。图源:腾讯网
摄影师米格尔‧克拉罗(Miguel Claro)的作品《日面边缘的巨人》(A Giant in the Sun's Limb),获得了太阳组别的第三名,记录了2022年2月出现在日面边缘的一个巨大的日珥。图源:腾讯网
摄影师宝琳‧伍利(Pauline Woolley)使用太阳动力学天文台拍摄的影像,制成了一幅《太阳年轮》(Solar Tree),获得了本次大赛的影像创新奖。图源:腾讯网今年的获奖照片以及一些入围的照片将在伦敦国家海事博物馆(National Maritime Museum)展出,这些最佳照片还会被汇集成册,作为图书出版。