近日,“冰雪之城”哈尔滨一跃成为冬日“顶流”,荣升话题度榜首,“冰雪经济”迎来高峰。被外媒“夸出花儿”的冰雪经济不少外国媒体也关注到了这一现象,还写到了风靡全网的“南方小土豆(Southern Little Potatoes)”这一称呼,以称赞、调侃的语气撰写、转载报道,简直是把哈尔滨“夸出了花儿”来。

除了耳熟能详的英国路透社、英国《太阳报》(The Sun)、每日邮报(Daily mail),还有不少地方媒体也报道了这件事,例如西班牙语媒体La Prensa Latina、巴基斯坦萨马阿电视台(Samaa)等等。


"Raising the brrrrr for a tourist attraction: The incredible 'ice city' in China, located in a place where temperatures can plummet to -35C."



e.g. Brr, it's cold in here...



e.g. Brrr, we hope they've got their winter coats on.



更幽默的是,这里的“Raising the brrrrr”与英文短语“Raising the bar”形成了谐音梗,后者是指“ 提高标准(Set a higher standard)”,表扬哈尔滨拉高了旅游业的门槛,都快给全国城市造成“同辈压力(Peer pressure)”了!

除此之外,南华早报(South China Morning Post)一篇评论文章用哈尔滨旅游业的“成功故事”来为别的城市提供范本,“哈尔滨作为新兴‘网红城市’,为香港旅游业发展提供了值得效仿的宝贵经验......它具有用户思维(User mindset)、懂得利用社交媒体传播规律、服务细致入微。”

"Harbin’s success story offers valuable lessons for Hong Kong to consider and emulate. "



To facilitate the consumption of Harbin’s popular frozen pears, the city has even introduced frozen pear platters, making it more convenient for tourists to savour the delicacy.

With the recent upsurge in tourist arrivals, many travellers encountered difficulties in securing taxis or ride-hailing services. In response, the local residents demonstrated remarkable unity and organised a fleet of about 300 private vehicles, providing complimentary rides to tourists.

This heartwarming account quickly spread, further amplifying the touching aspect of the Harbin story. Despite the city’s freezing climate, its residents work diligently to create a warm and welcoming environment for their guests.

Hong Kong would benefit from drawing inspiration from Harbin’s example by placing greater emphasis on attention to detail and sharing genuine warmth in embracing foreign visitors.



西班牙语媒体La Prensa Latina发布的一篇报道强调了冰雕工人“在零下20度的温度中连续工作十几天”。



"On the first day of the official operation of this year’s edition, the complex welcomed more than 40,000 visitors, exceeding the organizers’ expectations, who were forced to apologize the following day for the long queues at the entrance."



Harbin, the capital city of Northeast China's Heilongjiang province, welcomed nearly 3.05 million visitors, raking in 5.91 billion yuan (about 832.39 million US dollars) of tourism revenue, during the three-day New Year holiday, which ended Monday.


Data from the city's commerce department shows a significant growth of 129.4 percent in the accommodation and catering sectors during the period.

栏目主编:张武 文字编辑:宋慧 题图来源:新华社 王建威 摄 图片编辑:雍凯