

报道说,“最重要的是,问题确实存在”,普京在一些军事官员向他展示士兵的鞋子时说,这显然是指正在进行的局部动员中出现的各种装备缺陷(The main thing, is that it’s actually there,” Putin said when some military officials showed him the soldiers’ footwear, in an apparent reference to the assorted equipment shortcomings emerging amid the ongoing partial mobilization.)。

报道说,上周,俄罗斯总统对一些官员在动员过程中,表现出的“愚蠢”表示痛心,并承认,如果莫斯科没有宣布部分动员,“我们将永远不会看到这些积累问题,而这显然已经有一段时间了”(Last week, the Russian president lamented the “stupidity” exhibited by some officials during the mobilization drive and admitted that, had Moscow not declared the partial mobilization, “we would never have seen those problems that have accumulated there, apparently for quite a while.”)。


报道的原标题是《Putin shoots rifle on visit to mobilized troops in training (VIDEO)》(普京在访问正在训练的动员部队时射击(视频)〉。