




China’s digital currency efforts are well ahead of the rest of the world, wrote a recent New York Times article.

The most-read newspaper in the U.S. examined how far the electronic Chinese yuan has gone, and concluded that “no other major power is as far along with a homegrown digital currency.”


Over the last 12 months, more than 60 countries have experimented with national digital currencies, up from just over 40 a year earlier, according to the Bank for International Settlements. The countries include Sweden, which is conducting real-world trials of a digital krona, and the Bahamas, which has made a digital currency, the Sand Dollar, available to all citizens.


Yet no major power is as far along as China. Its early moves could signal where the rest of the world goes with digital currencies.


文章还提到,虽然美国财政部长珍尼特·耶伦曾在接受采访时表示,数字美元 “绝对值得探讨”,但目前美国在数字货币研发上已经慢人一步,依然停留在基础研究层面。

The article also mentioned that the United States “has moved slowly and done just basic research” in terms of developing an American digital currency, while its Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen acknowledged that digital currency was "absolutely worth looking at" because it "could result in faster, safer and cheaper payments."


《福布斯》杂志近日刊登了知名数字营销公司IMA的创始人Maddie Raedts 题为《中国数字生态塑造西方社交媒体未来》的专栏文章,就提到了微信生态、直播电商等值得西方学习的中国创新优势。

China’s digital ecosystems are shaping Western social media's future, a Forbes article concluded.

In her column published Monday, Maddie Raedts, co-founder of Influencer Marketing Agency said “China’s online ecosystem appears to be one step ahead when it comes to providing an end-to-end solution for all kinds of consumer needs,” referring to China’s WeChat platform and livestream commerce as examples.


China’s social platforms are much more all-inclusive and offer, within one single ecosystem, a deep integration of social commerce and a wide range of services that go beyond social media.



In their recent shoppable content updates, Western platforms have been clearly inspired by China’s walled gardens.


在谈及微信时,作者评价其为“真正的社交巨头”(a true social giant),认为微信得益于小程序等服务创新,早已发展成“一个具有许多高级功能的综合性平台( a comprehensive platform with very advanced features)。”




China’s social landscape is leading the way when it comes to innovative solutions for its users and brands, and Western platforms will likely follow suit.



The article also said that China’s social giants will continue to be "a source of inspiration and learning" for their Western counterparts for many years to come.